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League How To Solo Carry Guide Will Make You Champian

In this blog post, I will share some tips and tricks of League how to solo carry easy to follow guide  that can help you become a better solo carry player and climb the ranks faster. 


League How To Solo Carry

League of Legends is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that requires teamwork, strategy, and skill to win. However, sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where your teammates are not performing well, or you are matched against a stronger enemy team. In these cases, you may want to solo carry the game, which means taking the lead and making the most impact on the outcome of the match.

But how do you solo carry in League of Legends? What are the best champions, roles, and strategies to achieve this goal? 
Here are the main points I will cover:

 —    Choosing the right champion and role for solo carrying
  —    How to Optimize Your Build 
     How to Play the Laning Phase
   —    Play aggressively and smartly
  —    Focus on objectives and vision.
  —    Communicating with your team and leading them to victory

Let's get started!

Choosing the Right Champion and Role for Solo Carrying:

The first step to solo carry is to choose the right champion and role for your play style and skill level. There are five roles in League of Legends: top, jungle, mid, bot and support. Each role has different responsibilities and objectives in the game. Some roles are more suited for solo carrying than others, depending on the current meta and patch.

Generally speaking, the best roles for solo carrying are jungle and mid, followed by top and bot. Support is usually the least effective role for solo carrying, unless you play an aggressive or roaming support. Here are some reasons why:

Jungle and mid have the most influence on the map, as they can gank other lanes, secure objectives and roam around the map.
Top and bot have less influence on the map, as they are more isolated and dependent on their teammates. However, they can still solo carry by winning their lane hard, split pushing or team fighting.
Support has the least influence on the map, as they are mostly reliant on their bot lane partner and team. However, they can still solo carry by providing vision, engaging or peeling for their team.

As for champions, you should choose a champion that you are comfortable with and that fits your role. You should also consider factors such as:

  •  The champion's scaling potential: how well they perform in different stages of the game
  •  The champion's snowball potential: how easily they can get ahead and stay ahead
  •   The champion's carry potential: how much damage or utility they can provide for their team
  •   The champion's counter potential: how well they can deal with their lane opponent and enemy team

Some examples of good champions for solo carrying are:

Jungle: Kha'Zix, Lee Sin, Evelynn, Graves, Elise
Mid: Zed, Yasuo, Katarina, Fizz, Talon
Top: Darius, Fiora, Camille, Jax, Riven
Bot: Vayne, Kai'Sa, Draven, Jhin, Ezreal
Support: Thresh, Blitzcrank, Pyke, Leona, Bard

Of course, these are not the only champions that can solo carry. You can solo carry with any champion if you play them well enough. The key is to find a champion that suits your play style and preferences.

 How to Optimize Your Build:

Runes and Summoner Spells for Solo Carrying

The next step to solo carry is to optimize your build, runes and summoner spells for your champion and role. 

  • You should aim to maximize your damage output, survivability and utility in every situation.
  • You should also adapt your build,runes and summoner spells according to the enemy team composition and your own team's needs.

Here are some general guidelines for optimizing your build,
runes and summoner spells:

  1.   Build: You should prioritize items that give you power spikes, such as Mythic items, Legendary items or core items for your champion
  •  You should also balance your offensive and defensive stats, such as attack damage, ability power, armor, magic resist, health, etc.
  • You should avoid building items that are inefficient or unnecessary for your champion or role

    2.  Runes: You should choose runes that complement your champion's          strengths,weaknesses and playstyle. 

  • You should also consider the synergy between your runes and your items, as well as the enemy team's threats and weaknesses. 
  • You should avoid choosing runes that are irrelevant or detrimental for your champion or role.

    3.  Summoner Spells: You should choose summoner spells that give you an edge in your lane, in fights or in objectives.

  • You should also consider the cooldowns, ranges and effects of your summoner spells,as well as the enemy team's summoner spells.
  • You should avoid choosing summoner spells that are redundant or ineffective for your champion or role.

Some examples of good builds, runes and summoner spells for solo carrying are:

- Jungle: Kha'Zix - Eclipse, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Edge of Night, Serylda's Grudge, Guardian Angel; Dark Harvest, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter; Flash, Smite
- Mid: Zed - Duskblade of Draktharr, Umbral Glaive, Black Cleaver, Lord Dominik's Regards,Death's Dance;Electrocute,Taste of Blood,Eyeball Collection,Ultimate Hunter;Flash,Ignite
- Top: Darius - Stridebreaker, Sterak's Gage, Dead Man's Plate, Spirit Visage, Gargoyle Stoneplate; Conqueror,Triumph, Legend: Tenacity,Last Stand;Flash, Ghost
- Bot: Vayne - Kraken Slayer, Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Phantom Dancer, Guardian Angel; Press the Attack, Overheal, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace;
Flash, Heal
- Support: Thresh - Locket of the Iron Solari,Zeke's Convergence,Knight's Vow,Redemption,Mikael's Blessing;Aftershock,Font of Life,Bone Plating,Unflinching;Flash,Exhaust

 How to Play the Laning Phase:

Mid Game and Late Game for Solo Carrying

The final step to solo carry is to play the laning phase, mid game and late game effectively for your champion and role. 

  • You should aim to outplay your lane opponent, create advantages for yourself and your team, and secure objectives and kills whenever possible. 
  • You should also adapt your playstyle according to the game state, the enemy team's strengths and weaknesses, and your own team's needs.

Here are some general guidelines for playing the laning phase,

mid game and late game:

- Laning Phase: You should focus on farming, trading, and denying resources from your lane opponent.

  • You should also look for opportunities to kill them, gank other lanes, or help with objectives. 
  •  You should avoid dying, losing minions, or giving up pressure.
  •  You should also communicate with your jungler, mid laner, and support about vision, roams, and ganks.

- Mid Game: You should focus on pushing waves, taking towers, and contesting objectives.

  • You should also look for opportunities to catch enemies out of position, team fight, or split push.
  •  You should avoid getting caught, losing objectives, or wasting time.
  •  You should also communicate with your team about rotations, vision, and strategies.

- Late Game: You should focus on securing major objectives, such as Baron Nashor, Elder Dragon, and inhibitors.

  • You should also look for opportunities to end the game, team fight, or backdoor.
  •  You should avoid dying, giving up objectives, or making mistakes.
  •  You should also communicate with your team about positioning, vision, and targets.

Some examples of good plays for solo carrying are:

- Jungle: Kha'Zix

  • Invade the enemy jungle early and steal their camps or kill them;
  •  Gank lanes that are overextended or have no escape;
  •  Secure dragons or heralds with your smite;
  •  Isolate squishy targets in fights or pick them off with your ultimate;
  •  Split push lanes with your mobility and damage;
  •  Steal Baron Nashor or Elder Dragon with your smite.

- Mid: Zed 

  • Harass your lane opponent with your QWE combo;
  •  Roam bot or top with your ultimate and kill them;
  •  Take mid tower with your waveclear;
  •  Assassinate high priority targets in fights or flank them with your shadows;
  •  Split push lanes with your mobility and dueling power;
  •  Backdoor the enemy base with your damage.

- Top: Darius  

  • Bully your lane opponent with your QWE combo;
  •  Dive them under tower with your ultimate;
  •  Teleport bot or mid with your ultimate and kill them;
  •  Take top tower with your waveclear;
  •  Team fight with your passive stacks and ultimate resets;
  •  Split push lanes with your tankiness and damage.

- Bot: Vayne 

  • Farm safely with your QWE combo;
  •  Trade with your support's help;
  •  Kill them with your ultimate when they misstep;
  •  Take bot tower with your waveclear;
  •  Kite enemies in fights with your QWE combo;
  •  Split push lanes with your mobility and dueling power.

- Support: Thresh 

  • Hook enemies with your Q;
  •  Engage or disengage with your WER

 Play aggressively and smartly

  1.    To solo carry, you need to create pressure on the map and force your enemies to react to you.
  2.   This means playing aggressively and looking for opportunities to trade, harass, kill or gank your enemies.
  3.  However, you also need to play smartly and avoid unnecessary risks.
  4.   This means warding your surroundings, tracking the enemy jungler, knowing your limits and backing off when needed.
  5.  You don't want to give away free kills or objectives to your enemies by being too greedy or reckless.

Focus on objectives and vision.

  - Objectives are the key to winning the game in League of Legends.
  - They include turrets, dragons, heralds, barons and inhibitors.
  - Taking objectives gives you gold, buffs and map control.
  - Vision is also important because it allows you to see where your enemies are and what they are doing.
  - You can use vision to spot ganks, ambushes, rotations and objectives.
  - To solo carry, you need to prioritize objectives and vision over kills.
  - You can use your lead to take objectives faster and safer than your enemies.
  - You can also use vision to deny your enemies information and catch them off guard.

 Communicate and cooperate with your team

  1.    Even though you are trying to solo carry, you still need your team's help at some point.
  2.   You can't win the game by yourself unless you are extremely fed and skilled.
  3.   You need your team to follow your calls, back you up, peel for you and deal damage with you.
  4.   To solo carry, you need to communicate and cooperate with your team as much as possible.
  5.  You can use pings, chat and voice chat to communicate with your team.
  6.   You can also use positive reinforcement, encouragement and compliments to motivate your team.

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